Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Redemption Author: Geraldine Hughes Speaks Out Re "Square One" Upcoming Documentary Release

Geraldine Hughes, author of "Redemption: The Truth Behind the Michael Jackson Child Molestation Allegation (2003) book, is one of the major cast in the upcoming Danny Wu's "Square One" Documentary, which is the factual other side of "Leaving Neverlands" mocumentary and will knock it out of the water with its lies.

Geraldine Hughes was the legal secretary that worked with Barry Rothman (Evan Chandler's attorney) in 1993 who she contends framed Michael Jackson.  She was an eyewitness to the extortion scheme that launched the false child abuse allegation against Michael Jackson.

She came forward in 1993, while still working for Barry Rothman, and spoke with Michael Jackson's investigator, Anthony Pellicano, to defend Michael Jackson's innocence.  However, after MJ decided to settle the case in 1994, all of the information and facts that she provided never came out to the public's attention.

Geraldine Hughes decided to write the book, Redemption, only because she knew information that the public didn't know which was pertinent to Michael Jackson's innocence.  Her book wasn't released, however, until 2003 on the heels of the second allegation.  Although she did get a large amount of media attention, ABC, NBC, CBS, 20/20. Access Hollywood, Geraldo, Bill O'Reilly, Dan Abrams, Up Front With Jessie Jackson, etc.", her news was out shadowed by the lies and rumors of a second allegation.  The media hype was trying to say Michael Jackson "did it again," while Geraldine Hughes, an avid defender of MJ's innocence along with Jermaine Jackson & Firpo Carr, was saying "he didn't do it the first time."

Joseph Jackson was her biggest supporter, along with a host of fans, fan clubs, and family, including Katherine Jackson.  Joseph Jackson took Redemption wherever he went internationally, and he even tried to find an investor for the Redemption movie project, along with two other books that he had a distribution deal for. 

When Michael Jackson died in 2009, it became clear to Geraldine Hughes that Redemption wasn't just a book; it was a movie that needed to be seen all over the world, just like the lies travelled.  She felt that Michael Jackson's innocence would never happen until the world knew just how they plotted the extortion scheme which launched the false child abuse allegations against Michael Jackson in 1993 from beginning to end.

In June of 2019, Danny Wu and his partner Liam came to downtown Skidrow (which is where Geraldine Hughes has a homeless ministry) to take her interview and to hear her story.  Danny Wu very carefully and factually put together a factual documentary called "Square One" taking everyone back to the initial child molestation allegation against Michael Jackson and dispels all of the rumors, lies, and untruths that were responsible for making the world believe that Michael Jackson was a child molester.  Square One is factually based and Danny Wu backs up all of the rumors with facts.

Geraldine Hughes is currently seeking to turn Redemption into a worldwide movie and is available to speak to the news media, once again, and the public about Redemption, her story, her journey, as well as her upcoming movie project.

Geraldine Hughes
Contact Information:
Hughes III Enterprises, LLC
(661) 208-2143

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